
Lunch & Learn – March 15

February 2024
By Kim Hays
Posted: Updated:
STH LunchLearn March2024 facebook

Join us on Friday, March 15, 2024, at noon for the Salem Township Hospital Lunch & Learn event. We are excited to have Marsha Griffin from the Illinois Attorney General's Office as a speaker who will give a presentation on "Common Scams".

While you enjoy lunch, coffee, and dessert, Marsha Griffin will discuss the top 5 most common scams you should be aware of, including imposter scams, telephone/online marketing scams, home repair scams, charity scams, and health care scams.

Friday, Mar. 15 / 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
First Christian Church, 1200 W. Boone St., Salem, IL

RSVP by Friday, March 8
Shelley Rose BSN, RN - Outpatient Care Coordinator       
(618) 740-1683 / srose101@sthcares.org

Lunch, coffee, and dessert will be provided.

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