Salem Township Hospital’s Outpatient Care Coordinators organize free Lunch and learn discussions every month to educate the public.
We would like to express our gratitude to Judy Kleine and Nancy Hinton from the Midland Area Agency on Aging for presenting valuable information to our Lunch & Learn attendees. Their organization aims to provide a network of services to meet the needs of older adults, their caregivers, and individuals with disabilities in Clay, Effingham, Fayette, Jefferson, and Marion counties. For more information on the resources available visit:
Our November Lunch & Learn attracted over 60 participants, who enjoyed a catered Thanksgiving-style meal complete with coffee and pumpkin pie. Additionally, this event marked the first Lunch & Learn attended by our new Outpatient Care Coordinator, Bethany Francois, RN.
This was the last Lunch & Learn of 2024 before the holiday break. We look forward to resuming in February 2025 with more engaging discussions!

Midland Area Agency on Aging's Judy Kleine and Nancy Hinton

Shelley Rose, RN, Outpatient Coordinator

Outpatient Coordinators, Gloria Hawkins, RN and Bethany Francois, RN